Ward Window: Tallmadge

submitted by Sister Jennifer Biggs

Missionary work has definitely changed over the last year; however, it is a change for the better. Elder Uchtdorf recently taught:

“We are learning much and the Lord has lessons in store for all of us as we seek to hear Him and find new ways to share His gospel. Now, is our turn to make the best we can out of this. I hope that we will not yearn to move back to something that didn’t work well in our lives before COVID-19, but rather look to the future with hope. May we each use this time to become more refined, edified, empowered, and refreshed to move forward.”

We have asked the missionaries serving from the Tallmadge ward to share their thoughts and lessons they’ve learned while serving during a worldwide pandemic. We encourage everyone to seek and follow personal revelation on how we can change our approach as we love, share, and invite others to Christ.

ELDER THOMAS BIGGS – California, Sacramento Mission

Missionary work has changed so much over the past year. I went from going door to door and talking to everyone I saw in the streets of Tijuana to being locked in my apartment and having a smartphone that I was expected to use to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others. That was quite the scene change for sure!

I learned how to invite others to “Come unto Christ” in new ways. I learned how to make videos and simple posts for Facebook that taught simple principles of the gospel, which would allow the Spirit to touch the heart of those who saw it. From comments people would leave or their reactions to our posts, we are able to reach out to them and see if they are interested in learning more about the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. It has been amazing to see how many people have now shown interest in learning more about the gospel, who may not have been interested previously.

Towards the beginning of quarantine, I made a simple post on Facebook about the importance of the Book of Mormon and the Bible. From that post, I had two people from back home reach out to me, asking for a copy of the Book of Mormon. I never thought that they would be interested in learning more about the Restored Gospel, and I don’t know if they would have shown interest if two missionaries walked up to them. However, because of a simple post on Facebook that taught and testified about the importance of the Book of Mormon, the Spirit was able to touch them and soften their heart, opening them to receive a copy of the Book of Mormon and to begin reading it. 

I have absolutely loved seeing how the work has progressed and how the Lord is continuing to hasten the work of salvation among His children, in these latter days, through the tools that He has given us, like social media! I know that it will only continue to progress further, and I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for us to be able to share the gospel to all His children in the way that they will be most open to receive it! It is going to be wonderful to be a part of this work as we continue to prepare for the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

EDLER CHANCE KIBUBUTA – Nevada, Las Vegas Mission

Missionary life during this pandemic is in principle the same as before covid, but when it comes to how we do it, there are many changes. 

We are having a lot of virtual lessons. It saves us a lot of traveling time and enables us to have more lessons and interaction with people. We have learned a lot to rely on members’ help to find, teach, and fellowship people. The work has not slowed down at all … It is hastening … The Lord is hastening His work. 

During this pandemic, I have learned that the Lord is fulfilling the words that he promised. He said he would hasten his work and that he is able to do his own work. I would love to testify that I know that the Lord is hastening his work; I have witnessed it. My conviction of the divinity of the work you and I are part of has been strengthened over and over again during the past year. I know that we are the saints of the most high God. This is the work of the Lord. It is a marvelous work and a wonder. Now I have a story I would like to share: 

There is a man I met about nine months ago. He was a friend of a returned missionary. His name is Patrick, and when he was back in New Zealand, he didn’t like the church. He literally believed that we crazy people; we are quote “a cult.” 

Patrick is a professional boxer, and he is huge and massive. We arranged to meet with him. When we first met with him, I whispered to my companion, “watch out, do not offend him.” We taught him, and when the time came to invite him to be baptized on August 22, 2020, which was about three weeks out. 

He said, “No.” I asked why and he explained why. He has been going through a lot of difficult things. I arose and testified to him about what is happening at home, how I could be home to help my father with his bills and have fun with my friends, but I am out here teaching the Gospel because I know that this Gospel is true, I have felt the Atonement in my life, and like Lehi, my heart burns with a desire to let the people know about these things. 

As I finished with my testimony, he spoke boldly and said, let us write down that date and that he is willing to be baptized on August 22. Now he is a young man advisor, a ward missionary, and is married to a returned missionary. He is amazing and going strong. He will be Sealed to his wife in September. 

I love Patrick, and seeing that change that the Gospel has brought in his life helps me reflect on my own life about how the Gospel has changed me. I am grateful for the Savior and all His blessings for me. I know that He loves me. I can sing joyfully that I have felt my Savior’s love. I testify that the Church is true; the Book of Mormon is the word of God in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen! 

SISTER MADISON CRITCHLOW – Londrina Brazil Mission

Sister Critchlow attended the MTC in her home and then served the Tuscon Arizona mission for a time before being transferred to her original assignment in the Londrina, Brazil Mission. Madison has never known full-time missionary work outside the worldwide pandemic. She has seen the blessings of being able to connect with others around the globe virtually. She has been able to teach and share her love of the gospel and the Lord to others by using social media and other online platforms.   

One thing she has had to get “used” to on her mission is…Lizards! In Arizona and Brazil, she has seen them and held them, and even screamed at them. Lizards have been everywhere!   

As a family, we have witnessed Madison’s love for the Lord grow as she has relied on our Savior and His Atonement through some trying times during her mission, but she has a testimony that we grow through doing hard things. 

ELDER SPENCER CRITCHLOW – Fort Collins, Colorado Mission

Elder Critchlow reports to the MTC on July 14. His sister will have been serving for 14 months when he enters the MTC.

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