Akron Stake JustServe Specialist

My name is Mary Beth Niemeyer, and our family is fairly new to this area. We are excited to get to know more people in our stake. Eric and I have been blessed with six children through the miracle of adoption. Our oldest is married and living in Wyoming. Our next one is at BYU-I; we have a senior in high school, a middle schooler, and two in elementary school. 

I was recently called as the stake JustServe specialist. I LOVE to serve!! I was raised in a family where I learned service is important and very rewarding. 

Some of you are probably wondering what JustServe is and why I’m telling you about it. The JustServe Initiative has an app you can download to your phone and look for service opportunities near you. We don’t want to put an extra load on your plates. We just want you to know that this is here, and you can use this tool if you wish. Anyone, member of the church or not, can use this tool. If you have a friend or neighbor with a serving heart, tell them about the initiative and app. 

If you are already serving somewhere, I’d love to know about it to see if I can research the place where you’re serving to see if it is something appropriate to add to the app for others to join in service there. 

My goal is to help you to help others. I’d love for our youth and, where possible, even our primary-age children to gain a testimony of the blessing of serving/helping others. I’d love to see us working hand in hand with our neighbors so they may see our true love for the Savior and the light we have in our lives as we serve as His hands and feet on Earth. 

You can call, text, or email me with any questions or suggestions at 719-931-3445 or mbx2andguys@gmail.com

Thank you, and again, I look forward to meeting you!

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